Saturday, April 20, 2013


Sue Ann, you're gonna love grass.  You know what's great about turning on?  Oh, you get these clear, fully formed... ah...


Ya, right!  And the ideas... the ideas just seem to... ah...


Closing off the first season in 1980 with a joint in hand, The Facts of Life seemed a head of its time.  Blair agrees to help Sue Ann get into the cool group, but explains what the cool group is about when she hands her a lipstick case with a joint inside.   "Marijua-" 

In an early role of Helen Hunt's, the 16 year old girls gather in her dorm room to get high, but when actually faced with having to smoke pot, Blair backs down.  Sue Ann, however, doesn't.  Feeling the peer pressure she smokes the joint at Blair.

 "I just don't feel like getting spaced out, and giggling at stupid jokes, and not being able to finish a thought. And look at her, she's lost the power of speech!  I'm gonna pass."

imagebam.comFurther demonstrating their namesake, the show educated, by showing differing sides, consequences, and various paraphernallia, such as roach clips, bongs, hiding places and a joint itself.  After Tootie spies a bong in the girls dorm room she goes and buys a few for herself and friends.  When she gives one to Mrs. Garrett, the dorm mother is enraged.  Progressively, the focus was not on pot itself, but making it available to children.
"You fill it with jelly beans." states Tootie.

imagebam.comBut Natalie declares "I'm gonna put Root Beer in mine!  It comes with a built in straw!"

It is interesting to show a main cast member smoking pot, as in the public eye this could taint the character.  Furthermore, aside from having to rewrite a poor essay, Sue Ann got off without any serious consequences, unlike the girls whose dorm room it was who'd gotten expelled from school.  America would soon be heading into the "Just Say No" era of the Reagan Administration's War on Drugs, but progressively, the episode focused more on reprocussions, choices, and peer pressure.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Cupid's Revenge

"You know, on Valentine's Day [my ex-husband] Frank would always send a bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates, and a mushy poem he wrote all by himself. I never saw a man so close to his mother!!" -Beverly Ann Stickle

When a Cupid doll mysteriously shows up at Over Our Heads in a stock order, the girls must face Cupid's revenge before getting to the Valentine's dance at Langely University.   "We can't send it back," exclaims Beverly Ann.  "When two people feel the sting of this little fellow's arrow they fall in love!" 
 "That's what must have happened with Blair and . . . Blair," retorts Jo.

"Valentine's isn't big on my list of major holidays," Jo laments.
"No date again, huh?" chimes Blair.

Tootie doesn't have a date either, but has a dress burning a hole in her closet, and Natalie has to accept her trucking boyfriend, Snake, is going to be out of town, while Beverly Ann is overjoyed to be asked to the dance by Professor Thompson.

"Which of your many suitors will you be dragging to the dance Blair?"
"Fletcher.  He's rich, witty, handsome, and besides, he submitted the winning application!"
imagebam.comHowever, Blair is surprised when ex-fiance, Clif, shows up unexpectedly and asks her to the dance.  Since she already has a date he asks Jo instead which leaves Blair feeling betrayed by her best friend.

But Jo has problems of her own when a Bananagram arrives from Snake asking Natalie to the dance, but delivered by Roy, Jo's highschool stalker.  "Oh no!  You're back!!"

Tootie's ex-boyfriend, Jeff, calls to say he'll be stopping by for a visit, but after two years apart they find they no longer have anything in common.  Then due to bad weather it looks like Natalie's date won't make it either."Go stag to a Valentine's dance?" asks Tootie. 
"No thanks."

"Just make up a boyfriend like Natalie did," quips Blair.  Offended, Natalie asks what Blair is driving at.  "Your elusive Snake.  None of us have ever seen him.  One has to wonder if he exists.""If I made him up I would have named him Maurice!!"

When Beverly Ann sees the Professor on a lunch date with another woman she is furious!!
"Every single man on Earth should be tarred and feathered,
drawn and quartered, and spread eagle in the hot desert sun!"

"Beverly Ann, he's gonna listen to his messages and hear, 'Forget about our date you womanizing worm, and may you sleep with the fishes!"  But when Beverly Ann discovers the woman Professor Thompson was out with was his sister, she insists that the date is back on.

The night of the dance and Tootie sits playing solitare in her houserobe as the girls get ready for their dates.  Jeff shows up to tell her he saw her performance, and although he didn't understand the play he thought she was really good and asks her to the dance.

"Maybe I already have a date," she stubbornly declares. 
Looking at her attire Jeff states, "What's he wearing?  Pajamas with feet?"

Blair's date cancels and when Clif arrives to pick up Jo the two talk about what might have been.  Jo overhears and pretends to have double booked herself when Roy shows up with chocolates, suggesting Blair and Clif go to the dance together since they were both stood up.  So after all these years, Roy finally gets a date with Jo!

As they are all about to leave the only one still waiting for her date is Natalie.  Blair mocks if they should wait for him, and Natalie says they'll catch up later.  As she waits alone at home a musical car horn honks.  "Snake!"   Natalie runs for the door and then looking directly into the camera, "You'll just have to take my word on it."